What Is a Trust? Do I Need One?

  W25-RI-What is a Trust? Do I Need One?
  6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  colleen Masse

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What exactly is a trust? And what can a trust do for you? You’ve heard about the diļ¬€erent types – Revocable, Irrevocable, Special Needs, Discretionary, Testamentary, and Tax trusts. In this program we’ll demystify trusts and explain how a trust could be suitable for you and why. You’ll learn how to use trusts to do things: minimize or avoid taxes, protect assets from potential ex-spouses and creditors, keep public benefits for loved ones, provide for a beneficiary who is disabled or has special needs or how avoid probate court. Whether you are new to trusts or understand them well, you’ll learn how to use these powerful planning tools to your advantage.

All students will receive an estate planning guidebook written by our estate planning and elder law firm attorneys.