Blackjack - Maximize Your Chances of Winning

  5/5/2025 - 5/8/2025
  Mo, Tu, Th
  6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  Glastonbury High:Room B106
  Nino Nistri

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Want to maximize your chances of winning at Blackjack? Learn what to do in four basic areas: When to hit or stay, when to double down, when to split, and a soft hand strategy. The instructor will discuss the rules of the game, terminology, money management and conservative vs aggressive betting strategies. There will be interactive lecture, class discussion, simulated pay and voluntary homework assignments. Register with a friend and double the fun!                

Please bring a deck of cards to class.

Materials fee $19 payable to instructor at first class for workbook and strategy card.