Take Great Pictures with Your Smart Phone

  W25-CR-Take Great Pictures with a Smart Phone
  5/7/2025 - 5/14/2025
  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  Glastonbury High:Room B106
  Peter Glass

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


 The quality of smartphone cameras is improving rapidly. They can be a great stand-in for regular 35mm cameras. This class is for those truly interested in producing quality smartphone images. That means moving away from Auto Mode, where control of the camera by you is almost nonexistent, to the Manual or Shutter Priority Modes. The result is that you, the photographer, will now have almost total control over how your images will turn out - and the improvement will be substantial! Come learn how to take great smartphone pictures. Please note: This class will not cover  selfies.

Bring your smartphone (with a fully charged battery), battery charger, and any accessories.

Prerequisite: None