Astronomy 101-Exoplanets

  F24-PE-Astronomy 101- Exoplanets
  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  Meet At: Glastonbury Planetarium
  John Meszaros

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Please arrive promptly between 6:45 (doors open) and 7:00 (doors closed) to gain entry into the planetarium for class.               At the Planetarium! Glastonbury East Hartford Magnet School, 95 Oak Street, Glastonbury

Planets are not unique to our solar system.  Since the discovery of the first planet orbiting another star in 1995 we have found thousands of exoplanets.  We’ll explore the variety of exoplanets found so far and the techniques used to find them.  Is there life on other planets? Come find out.