Start Drawing!

  W25-CR-Start Drawing!
  3/19/2025 - 4/30/2025
  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  Glastonbury High:Room F217
  Lynn Bywaters

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Sketching and drawing are skills that are beautiful on their own, and they are also the foundation for many other forms of artistic expression. Starting with lines and shapes, you will learn to build simple forms, build the forms into still lifes, landscapes, portraits and more. You’ll learn to break down what you see: how relationships between objects lead to correct proportions, about highlights and shadows, edges and negative space, and will learn to really see what you are looking at. Included will be demonstrations and individual suggestions to allow each student to progress in their own way.

Materials cost approx. $30 (depending on what you already own and where you purchase)

List of supplies to purchase:

“Winsor & Newton Studio Collection Artist Pencils, Sketching Pencils, Set of 10”

“Strathmore 400 Series Mixed Media Pad Tone Blue 11” x 14” - 15 Sheets - 62462411  (or 9” x 12”)

“Faber-Castell Kneaded Eraser with Case, Grey”