Astronomy 101 - All 4 classes

  W25-PE-Astronomy 101 Series - All 4 Classes
  3/20/2025 - 6/12/2025
  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  Meet At: Glastonbury Planetarium
  John Meszaros

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Please arrive promptly between 6:45 (doors open) and 7:00 (doors closed) to gain entry into the planetarium for class.               At the Planetarium! Glastonbury East Hartford Magnet School, 95 Oak Street, Glastonbury

This is for stargazers and those who like to ponder the mysteries of the universe. Using the planetarium, this program for adults and older teens will present an introduction to planetary, stellar and galactic astronomy as well as introduce a basic understanding of our night sky and the many celestial objects found within.

Jason Archer & John Meszaros, Astronomers & Educators